ls – command

ls – list of files.

This command will showing you the list of files in current working dictionary with alphabetic order.
This ls command is one the most usable command in all over the world.

How to use this command? N i think this is your first command, so first of all open your terminal window by using shortcut keys, Alt + Ctrl + t. You can see this kind of Terminal window.


Terminal window

Now, simply type ls and juts hit the most powerful key, i mean hit Enter. (Hit slowly. i don’t mine if you like to hit abnormally, because that is yours. )

<code>$ ls </code>

It will showing you the list of files n folders in current dictionary. Like this screen-shot.

ls command

ls command

Now, type ls -a for showing a hidden files/dictionary in dictionary. Here -a is an option of the ls command. there is more options are available.

You can explore more about ls command using another command. Another command is man command. With the use of man command you can show the manual of that command related in the terminal. It’s a one kind of help command.

$ man name_of_command

like this screen shot:

man command

man command

So, This is enough for first time. Now so Enjoy. Thank u.